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  5. Generate Reports

Generate Reports

How to use the Reports Feature

  1. Navigate to Logstail Reports Feature.
    If you don’t have a Logstail Account you can create one here.
  2. Create a new Report definition.
    Logstail Reports Feature
  3. Enter a Name for your Report.
  4. Optionally enter a Description.
    Reports Feature
  5. Select the type of source you want to add to your Report. You can choose between dashboards, visualizations, saved searches and notebooks. (Observability feature is required for notebooks)
  6. After selecting the type of source, select the desired source from the list with the available ones. (Only installed dashboards and visualizations are displayed in the list)
  7. Select the Time Range of data for your Report. (e.g. Last 30 minutes will include data ingested in the last 30 minutes from Now)
  8. Select the file format between PDF and PNG. (Reports containing Saved Search are in CSV format)Reports feature
  9. Optionally, you can add your own header and footer to the Report. (Default header is Logstail Report)
  10. You can either create an On-demand Report or create a Scheduled Report based on a request time.
  11. Click create to create your Report.
    Logstail Reports Feature

Setup Scheduled Report

Daily Recurring

  1. Select Schedule as a Report Trigger.
  2. Select Recurring as a request time.
  3. Select Daily as frequency.
  4. Enter the desired request time.
  5. Click create to create your Report.
    Reports Feature

Recurring By Interval

  1. Select Schedule as a Report Trigger.
  2. Select Recurring as a request time.
  3. Select By Interval as frequency.
  4. Enter when you want your Report to get generated.
  5. Enter the start time.
  6. Click create to create your Report.
    Reports Feature

Chron based

Cronjobs are automated tasks that run on a pre-defined schedule. A cronjob can be used to schedule a wide range of tasks, including Report generation. The scheduling can be as simple or as complex needed, with the ability to specify minute, hour, day, month and weekday parameters. The syntax for defining a job can be somewhat complicated, but there are plenty of resources available online that can help you. (e.g. Crontab guru)

  1. Select Schedule as a Report Trigger.
  2. Select Cron based as a request time.
  3. Enter your custom cron expression.
  4. Select your Time zone.
  5. Click create to create your Report.
    Reports Feature

Create Saved Search Report (Export your data)

Saved Search Reports can be useful if you want to export a desired search on your data or if you want to take backup of your ingested and analyzed data. The Saved Search Reports are in CSV format making them lightweight, keeping the format of the analyzed fields. This makes them essential for keeping backups of your data, running further analysis or even creating your own datasets.

Create a Saved Search of all data

  1. Navigate to Logstail Discover feature.
  2. Select an Index.
  3. Select your desired time range.
  4. Save your search.
    Discover Feature

Create a Saved Search based on filter

  1. Navigate to Logstail Discover feature.
  2. Select an Index.
  3. Select your desired time range.
  4. Search for specific text in your data.
  5. Alternatively, you can add a filter.
  6. Save your search.
    Search Data

After saving your search, you can go back to Reports Feature, create a new report, select Saved Search as report source and select your Saved Search.

After creating your Report, you can view it in the Reports list where you can download it using the Generate Button. Reports feature


  • Make sure you have allow downloads enabled in your browser.
  • If Report fails to get generated try clearing your browser’s cache or generating from a Incognito session.
  • Make sure you enter the correct time range for the data you wish to get a Report. Wrong time range might result to an empty Report.

If you encounter any errors or need further instructions Logstail’s Support Team would be pleased to help you.


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